Grandad's Miniatures...
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Grandad's Miniatures...
We moved to East Yorkshire from Haslemere in Surrey 15 years ago and we have since retired. The last year has been a busy one for Brian as he has been in collaboration on a book about the late Mike Hawthorn who was the first British World Formula One racing champion in 1958. Brian went to work for him when he left school in 1956, and was still working for him when Mike Hawthorn died in 1959.
Brian had been hobby turning in full size for many years, and then about 5 years ago one of our Grandaughters, Izzie, asked him to turn a few pieces for her dolls house. He was hooked!
Brian turns his minis in a variety of materials, natural and man made, which include many types of wood, natural stone, acrylics and other synthetics, antlers and horn and, metal. In fact if he can get it on to a lathe he will have a go. He enjoys trying out new ideas and materials and is currently working on a new miniature project.
Our web site has been up and running for 4 years and we have sold a great many pieces on ebay. Brian’s work has been sold all over the world. Our main outlet is currently Doll house and miniature shows and we exhibit at NEC Miniatura and shows in the North of England, including York, Leeds Pudsey, Hull Craven Park, Bedale and Elsecar. We enjoy meeting our valued customers, old and new at the shows.
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