Lee Ann Borgia Miniature Books...

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Lee Ann Borgia Miniature Books...

I am Lee Ann Borgia and I make miniature books.  I started making miniature books about six years ago.  It all started when I built a roombox I call A Gentleman’s Study.  I got a tad carried away building bookshelves on three sides of a large roombox.  I started making very simple paperback, blank page books and wasn’t satisfied.  I finally bought a book on bookbinding. Since then I have developed techniques that work for me with miniature books along with traditional bookbinding techniques to make my books.

I have over 400 titles of miniature books with actual text that is readable though some texts might require a microscope.  My titles include Jane Austen novels, the complete works of Shakespeare, Medieval and Renaissance illuminated texts, classics children’s books such as Beatrix Potter, Winnie-the-Pooh, Raggedy Ann and Alice in Wonderland and many more.  I am constantly adding new titles to my collection.

My books are available for viewing on my Picturetrail Album site.  I have included complete descriptions and pricing information.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions or further information at LBORGIA993@AOL.COM